<aside> 🔎 What is the Digital Shaper Program? Here you can find background info to the TechLabs program in Hamburg.


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Deutsche Version: Digital Shaper Program @TechLabs Hamburg

What drives us?

"Technology races so far ahead, education can barely keep the pace." -David Middlebeck, Co-Founder of TechLabs

TechLabs Hamburg is a non-profit association. Our members all work on a voluntary basis and we finance ourselves through partnerships.

Today's educational systems are lagging behind in the development of digital skills. As a non-profit organization, we want to close this gap with modern approaches to make digital skills accessible to people regardless of their backgrounds and free of charge.

Watch the TEDx talk in which co-founder David tells the story behind techlabs as a learning accelerator:


But what is a "Digital Shaper"?


Digital skills are becoming increasingly important in all kinds of areas, even outside of traditional technological topics. Digital is not only what happens on the cell phone, but also, for example, which of your data is available where, how we optimize our CO2 consumption and whether the re-registration in your city works online.

To help you meet the challenges of a thoroughly digital society, we equip you with digital skills to make our world a little bit better.

<aside> 🚀 We want to give you the necessary skills and the mindset for a positive social impact as a digital shaper.
